Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Three Film Openings

 Choosing only three film openings from the vast genre of horror and thriller will prove difficult as it contains some of the most fantastic and iconic opening scenes in all of film. Fortunately, I have found three spectacular openings, I will list the best opening being the last one I analyze.

(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974)

The first movie I chose is personally my favorite movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was made on October 11, 1974 and introduces the audience to a disturbing scene taking place in a grave yard in the blazing heat with the sun in the back. The camera pans to a disturbing sight as a grave was robbed and left the body on top of the tombstone zooming in, It also is quite interesting as the corpse was defiled in broad daylight as opposed to night time as most films would do. then it cuts into the opening credits. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre leaves the audience with questions making the audience want to know what happens next and establishes the scorching Texas setting.

Link to opening:

(IT, 2017)
I chose IT for my second choice, I always admired rainy scenes in movies and this one is a chef's kiss. It starts as a little kid in a yellow poncho named Georgie gets a paper boat from his brother. As he races the boat in the water stream I admire the music being cheery and upbeat, that is until it falls in a sewer drain. The music stops. Out emerges a clown named Pennywise and tries his best to lure Georgie in, it then cuts to a title card. IT conveys a comforting tone in the beginning for that all to be taken away in the encounter with Pennywise doing an excellent job transitioning from comfort to on edge.

Link to opening:

(Scream 1996)

Saving the best for last, to no ones surprise I chose Scream 1996. There is a reason why Scream is crowned with the best horror film opening of all time. It introduces our protagonist and antagonist talking to each other on the phone as the "Ghost face" gets increasingly angry and aggressive towards our main character. He teases her playing with the lights outside and harming her boyfriend. The opening keeps the audience worried and tense for our main character as the Ghost face closes in on her in a area with no one around.

Link to opening:

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