Friday, February 7, 2025

Three Credit Sequences

 Similar to my last blog post, I will be choosing out 3 films in horror but instead of analyzing the openings it will be the credit sequences. They will be in no particular order.

(Insidious, 2010)

I chose Insidious as the first credit sequence as I feel it is quite unique and gets the audience already engaged in the movie. We first see the director credit "A James Wan film" on a lamp. We then see a child sleeping in their room when the camera slowly pans throughout the room until we spot some sort of demon, staring at him. The film then cuts to the title card and plays the credit sequence. The credits throughout play with black and white images of a house and all the interior until we reach the family portrait. I really admire this credit sequence as it gives the audience a sense of dread through the empty and emotionless house as we sense something evil is there.


(Halloween, 1978)
I chose Halloween because well, it's Halloween! Halloween has the most iconic post credit scene as it gains its charm from its simplicity. The credits are still next to pumpkins with a black back round. That's it. But the reason it's so good is the score. The main theme from halloween solidifies the post credit scene on its own.


(Smile, 2020)
I love the Smile opening credits for several reasons. It introduces our protagonist to our main threat of the movie the smile virus. After she witness get restrained with the virus she trembles to the floor, traumatized. The camera slowly zooms into her eye, while doing this the studio credits play then cuts into title card. A short yet great way to show credits and introduce our main character.


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