Friday, October 18, 2024


 During class we learned about how media can typically represent certain groups positively or negatively. The show I found fig the exact meaning of representation was Amazon Prime's show The Boys. The story is set in a world where superhero's exist and  help save civilians, or so we thought. The main group of hero's call themselves "The Seven" under the company of Vought. The characters I want to discuss are Homelander the leader and man with blonde hair and a cape. The other being Starlight the new recruit and Woman with blonde hair .

Let's start with Homelander, the leader of these so called hero's, with a trait like being the captain of a super hero team you would expect him to be good right? You would be wrong. Homelander is a terrible person who is crazy and driven by how other people think of him on the media he needs to be loved all the time or he snaps. He kills, manipulates, and destroys since he was born one of the strongest hero's on the planet but nobody knows that they all think he is a bringer of justice and there is a reason why. He looks like a hero with his cape, blonde hair, and muscles while the governing faction known as Vought redacts any bad information on him so he looks good to the public at all times giving him the love he enjoys most but mostly being hidden behind his heroic stereotype.

Starlight recognizing all the good the seven do for people applies to be a hero and gets accepted now being a hero of the seven! It was her dream being born a hero to join the seven being most inspired by the Deep a handsome, muscular, and attractive man to join as he was always her favorite.Even being featured and seen all around on water related attractions through creator bias. But in reality he is evil as he sexually assault's star light traumatizing her and realizing that the deep is nothing like he was represented. Later on she was forced to change her original outfit to something more revealing as she was the woman of the group. The needing of changing outfits to wear something more revealing is an excellent example of how woman could be seen negatively in representation. The clothing change is shown below with the left being the new outfit and right being the original.

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