Sunday, March 2, 2025

Costume making

 Finally, I can talk about the costume design I made for the "Scare crow" and why I chose each component of the costume. With out further ado, feast your eyes on the design!

Piece #1

The mask

The way he obtains the mask is actually of a scare crow in the garage. He snatches it off said scare crow when he hears the intruders coming in. I chose to use this mask as it does not arrive late and would work both on a human and scare crow. The only issue is the back side is exposed.

The under mask

I chose the black under mask to hide the back side of the care crow mask so it does not look weird or awkward with the back side exposed. It is very breathable despite having no eye holes.

Piece #3
The gloves
These are the "scare crow'" work glove. They are thick with a black and red design used to hold heavy machinery. I chose them as the look the most practical and run of the mill.

Piece #4
The jacket
I chose a very nice zip up jacket with a little bit of scruff to it so it has that "used effect. He will be wearing it all through out with the hood down and zipper up.

Piece #5
The pants
I then chose the bulkiest pants I have to kind of replicate what would be industrial work pants. They are quite big, but you can still run in them and have a light amount of usage as said for the last piece
Piece #6
The shoes
A very simple choice of worn black running shoes. They are runnable and comfy and have a subtle look to let the "Scare crow's" mask pop.

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