Of course you cant have a production without its issues. Today I will be going over the obstacles i've faced to complete production.
Problem #1
The costume
I of course wanted a scarecrow like mask that the protagonist takes off a scare crow in his garage when he hears intruders. That is not the issue, but rather is when it arrives. Unfortunately, it comes this Monday meaning I cant film the end shots just yet until it comes in 2 days. Take a look at what I ordered.
Problem #2
The editing
Since I am filming the opening on my phone I need to transfer it onto the computer for editing. The issue with this is finding out what program I want to use. I could just use Cap cut on my mobile device, or use Premier rush on my computer but has a longer harder process. The choice is the hard part.
Problem #3
The assets
For my last issue, I am having issue finding a good font and non-copy righted music. I am going to do further research but I must talk about this minor issue. I do have my eye on several examples I will discuss in later blog posts.
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