Friday, February 21, 2025

The set: Lighting

Last time we focused on the costume and props with how they make that film important and how I was going to incorporate costumes. Today I will go over the lighting and location of my opening instead. Lighting and the area can influence the scene's tone and can amplify the feeling of fear through these elements.

Lets talk about the two major types of lighting, low-key and high-key lighting. High-key lighting which is rarely used in horror is bright with a minimal amount of dark areas and creates a mostly more open tone. Low-key lighting uses the dark spaces to create a more fear inducing mood and is used in horror almost constantly. In my film opening I will definitely be using low-key lighting here are a few examples!

(A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors)

(The Exorcist)

I will use low-key lighting in most of the scenes during the credits and take advantage of a buzzing light giving the scene a grim tone and highlights the objects used and makes the credits pop.

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Group meeting #2

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