Saturday, February 22, 2025

The set: Audio

Sometimes, the key to making a horror movie scary is not gore or jump scares. But rather the audio heard during the scene. The audio influences the tone and immersing the audience as it creates a tone.

The Music

Let's talk about a horror movies music. The music in a movie makes that film memorable and keeps consistency throughout while establishing its tone. A very famous and extremely praised music score goes to the original Jhon Carpenter's Halloween as it ticks all the boxes to what makes a horror movies audio affective.

For my opening I will implement music that is not as provident but more subtle and gives off a feeling of despair as the antagonist continues to develop his contraption. I will use non-copyrighted music since I do not want to get permission from the artist.

The sounds
For the majority of the sound affects in the opening I plan to use foley. Foley is sound created using props and devices a good example being recording a creaking floor. For the scenes of the loud roaring of the contraption I will use the tools in the shots during the credits such as the hammers, screwdrivers, and saws. the sounds will be a lot more prominent. 

A amazing example of great of foley is that of Gary Hecker's foley in A Nightmare on Elm Street remake.
Gary Hecker stated in an interview by Tory Hoen (October 12, 2012) "For the last Nightmare on Elm Street, I had to come up with the signature sounds for Freddy’s deadly hand: a series of slicing, razor-sharp metallic “shings.” I used a creaky leather ammo belt for the glove part, and then two types of blades: a machete to give that ringing blade sound, and surgical steel blades to give the sound of sharpness. Every time he clacks his blades in the movie, it’s a combination of these elements."

Of course I wont only use foley sound effects such as a downloaded sound of muffled knocks and chatters indicating our protagonist that there are intruders breaking in.

Link to the Halloween score:

Link to the interview with Gary Hecker :

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