Friday, March 7, 2025

Credit scenes (Post Production)

Credits have been discussed since almost the beginning of my blog posts. Finally, I will list the scenes i'll implement the credits in and which ones.

How will it look?

The "Scare Crow" Will have various tools and medical supplies on his work bench and will be showcased with black credits fading in and out between the shots. Unfortunately the fonts have not been chosen yet.

Producer credits: me

(Matias Freytez)

Director credits: me

(Matias Freytez)

Writer credits me:

(Matias Freytez)

Cinematographer: My sister 

(Maria Macias)

Editor: me

(Matias Freytez)

Actors: Me and my sister

(Matias Freytez)

(Maria Macias)

Music: (Not yet known)

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