Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR question #2 Script

 Now that I have a good idea of what a CCR should be and how I should format one. From now on I will be going over the questions providing a script rather than research like I did on question #1. So in that case, today I'll be talking about CCR question #2!

What is question #2?

"How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

    With the question my main focus will be discussing my target audience and distribution mostly

How will you answer?

  I will answer questions #1 and #2 in the same submission that being the format of a Talk show as it would fit the best for the questions. How will it be creative? I plan on answering these CCR's as the main focus of my film opening the "Scare crow" in costume answering the questions with video examples as if he was real.

The script

(Things are prone to change)

CCR question #2 Script.docx

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CRR question #4 Script

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