Hello again blog, today i'll be doing something a little different. I'll be going over the research of the first question of the CCR post. Although it's different from my past couple of posts having to do with filming I promise its just as important.
What is a CCR? What's question #1?
CCR stands for Creative Critical Reflection. It is done to reflect on our production in a way that expresses personality with creativity and avoids being dull.
Question #1 asks "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how how does it represent social groups or issues?
How I plan on answering
I will answer question #1 in a Director with voice over format while giving examples from my production.
What are you representing?
In my production i'm representing the fictional healthcare system in the movie as corrupt as they will not tolerate the cure for major diseases being spread into the public as it would lose them profit. Our main character suffer's from this as he desperately attempts to cure his loved ones with out anyone finding out even if it turns out violent.
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