Sunday, March 16, 2025

CRR question #4 Script

 This is my script for the CRR question #4 

What is CCR question #4?
How did you integrate technology-software, hardware, and online in this project?

How will you answer this question?

It will be in the same format as in question #3 within the same video as well. This mean it will be a continuation of the last script from last blog post.

The Script

(Things are prone to change)

Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR question #3 Script

 Today ill be going over the script for my CCR question number 3!

What is question #3?

How did your production skills develop throughout this product?

How will you answer the question?

It will be an interview with the director with examples from the production featuring even bloopers and looks from the set. With these bloopers I will touch on how I improved my production skills during the project.

The script

(Things are prone to change)

Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR question #2 Script

 Now that I have a good idea of what a CCR should be and how I should format one. From now on I will be going over the questions providing a script rather than research like I did on question #1. So in that case, today I'll be talking about CCR question #2!

What is question #2?

"How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

    With the question my main focus will be discussing my target audience and distribution mostly

How will you answer?

  I will answer questions #1 and #2 in the same submission that being the format of a Talk show as it would fit the best for the questions. How will it be creative? I plan on answering these CCR's as the main focus of my film opening the "Scare crow" in costume answering the questions with video examples as if he was real.

The script

(Things are prone to change)

CCR question #2 Script.docx

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Group meeting #2

Today, we had a second group meeting but much later on in the project's life time rather than when we just started. I saw familiar faces from last times group meeting heres a photo!

My group consisted of me, Peyton, Kamila, Micheal, and Lee

Unlike last times group meeting, we spoke more about our CCR instead of what our opening credits. We spoke about how we would format it and I will be providing not only mine but their ideas too. 

I wanted to format my first CCR in a presentation with voice over starring the main antagonist in my film opening talking over the film and providing the examples.

Kamila and Peyton wanted to do presentations and include questions as well. Lee wanted to do an Oscar award format where the prize has been bestowed upon her and answers questions. Micheal wants to do an interview with the format of someone asking him what he does for a living.

I saw this group meeting to be much more successful than last as everyone had an idea of what they wanted to do and how they did.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR question #1 research

 Hello again blog, today i'll be doing something a little different. I'll be going over the research of the first question of the CCR post. Although it's different from my past couple of posts having to do with filming I promise its just as important.

What is a CCR? What's question #1?

CCR stands for Creative Critical Reflection. It is done to reflect on our production in a way that expresses personality with creativity and avoids being dull.

Question #1 asks "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how how does it represent social groups or issues?

How I plan on answering

I will answer question #1 in a Director with voice over format while giving examples from my production.

What are you representing?

In my production i'm representing the fictional healthcare system in the movie as corrupt as they will not tolerate the cure for major diseases being spread into the public as it would lose them profit. Our main character suffer's from this as he desperately attempts to cure his loved ones with out anyone finding out even if it turns out violent.

What are you challenging?
Im challenging the setting and character development of horror conventions. All throughout, horror classics are seen through the survivor's/protagonist's  perspective rather than the antagonist. In "The Scare Crow" Its up to the audience to see if the antagonist really is a antagonist or if he is justified in violence for the sake of curing his loved ones.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Fonts and music (Post production)

 Hello blog! I've been quite busy over the weekend and recorded a large portion of my project. With that said, it's time to implement editing from the recordings ive done. What do you mean? You ask, I mean the fonts and music. Today i'll list several fonts and non-copyrighted music and why I chose them.

The fonts

    I found these 5 fonts on the website

I chose the fonts and they all are pretty similar towards each other as they are all horror related tones and really pop. I am between choosing a more loud font or more subtle but still eye catching one. I will incorporate them during the credit sequence and title card of the film opening.

Backround music

The 2 non-copyrighted music is on

 The 2 music choices of mine both stretch out to the 2 minute mark and fit my setting of the opening. They are subtle and not loud fitting the setting of a dark and grimy situation.



Friday, March 7, 2025

Credit scenes (Post Production)

Credits have been discussed since almost the beginning of my blog posts. Finally, I will list the scenes i'll implement the credits in and which ones.

How will it look?

The "Scare Crow" Will have various tools and medical supplies on his work bench and will be showcased with black credits fading in and out between the shots. Unfortunately the fonts have not been chosen yet.

Producer credits: me

(Matias Freytez)

Director credits: me

(Matias Freytez)

Writer credits me:

(Matias Freytez)

Cinematographer: My sister 

(Maria Macias)

Editor: me

(Matias Freytez)

Actors: Me and my sister

(Matias Freytez)

(Maria Macias)

Music: (Not yet known)

CRR question #4 Script

 This is my script for the CRR question #4  What is CCR question #4? How did you integrate technology-software, hardware, and online in this...