In our most recent lesson we learned a very important factor of a production in which most people struggle on known as sound. Unfortunately, it is overlooked most of the time but arguably the most important as it is the first thing recorded in a production! Sound design can help convey a shot or scene tone and mood not only through effects but another technique of sound production called "Foley". Foley is a technique named after Jack Foley an American sound effect artist who invented the technique were the effect artist uses different props to mimic the noise of the desired sound. For example, the sound of someone's footsteps in a wet forest instead the effects artist puts wet leaves underneath a shoe and uses his hands to mimic the movement of the shoe walking on the wet leaves to sound like the damp forest although it isn't.
Later, the class was assigned a partner along with the sound project with the goal of making a 1-2 minute audio recording with no video of a made up scene requiring at least 4 Foley sounds being utilized. Before that we had to brainstorm with our partner and create an outline helping us plan out what Foley or downloaded sounds were to be used for our project. We needed to submit 3 things, the project itself, editing proof, and a file with videos of our Foley.
During brainstorming my partner and I thought of a scene. It was that an owner was going to take his dog out for a walk in a noisy neighborhood but the dog runs off at a squirrel scratching at a tree trying to catch until the owners catches up and calms the dog down. We jotted all of this down on our outline along with sounds to download that all structured and gave us an idea of how it would turn out. We downloaded things such as birds singing, traffic, dog panting, ducks, woodpecker, and a plane flying overhead. We also assigned our selves our individual Foley sounds such as pouring dog food and water into a bowl, door opening and closing, leash clicking, and the dog scratching the tree. Since I was editing I chose to use the excellent Adobe Premier Pro since it excels in easy and accessible sound design.
I am confident to say my partner and I did a fantastic job on our Foley and choice of sounds along with the ambience oozing throughout the project making it all feel like an owner was truly walking his dog! Unfortunately, we could improve on managing our limited 2 minute cap at the video and make the pacing just a bit more clean.
Sound Project Link: FreytezRuz soundscape per.5 or
Foley Link: FreytezRuz foley_per5 or