Monday, September 30, 2024

My One Word Film OWF

I was assigned a partner for our upcoming project called the "One word film." The direction and goal of the project was to use our multiple shots and editing techniques to symbolize the word assigned. In our case our word was Anxious.

We were given a storyboarding/ brainstorming sheet in which we drew and described our projects shots and editing. We planned an anxious student on the way to taking a test stopping and turning trying to stall. But when the time comes the anxiety goes over him and he gives up.  Later, we would use these compilations of videos and put them through an editing software in my case Adobe Premier.

We excelled in planning and editing the videos to make a great representation of the word anxious. What we could of done better is mostly down to the recording restraints and quality of some scenes.

Group meeting #2

Today, we had a second group meeting but much later on in the project's life time rather than when we just started. I saw familiar faces...