Friday, August 30, 2024

My Camera Shots Quiz

Last week my class was assigned an assignment called the "camera shots quiz". The assignment instructed us to use two inanimate objects and create a story out of it with 15 shots to our disposal in which we learned from our notes. We had to use 10 shots and a left over 5 to our own choice.

One thing to know about me is that I love Legos and when brainstorming for a project idea I just had to use the bucket loads of them I had. My partner and I came up with a simple but fun story based on the Simpsons. We had used a Lego Homer Simpson and Chief Wiggum to illustrate a brief encounter involving a precious donut. The two have a brief altercation and it turns out to be a misunderstanding the whole time!

I am super proud of how the way the setting and lego back round turned out with the different props and mini figures as well as the accessories and building. Unfortunately I am not as proud of the lighting.

Camera Shot Quiz

Hello! My name is Matias and I have started blogging for my AICE media studies class.

Group meeting #2

Today, we had a second group meeting but much later on in the project's life time rather than when we just started. I saw familiar faces...